Homeschool History helps build your own unit studies about any of the presidents of the United States. Our database has curated lists of videos, websites, historic sites, and more. Here are examples of some of the things you'll find:
- Interactive games about the life of George Washington.
- An interview with Olivia Garfield, great-great-granddaughter of President James Garfield.
- The childhood home of Woodrow Wilson in Columbia, South Carolina, that has been turned into the Museum of the Reconstruction Era, based on the time period he lived there (1871-1875).
- A 1930 newsreel of Calvin and Grace Coolidge talking with "Santa Claus" about raising money to fight tuberculosis.
- Our original six-minute biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower, recorded at the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home in Abilene, Kansas.
- The online Presidential Pet Museum with lots of photos and details.
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